Service Overview
At TekLink, we have all the latest versions of Analytics, Planning, and In-memory solutions running in our Innovation Labs environments. Using these, clients can securely perform proof-of-concept using their data to get a fact-based analysis showing how these new technologies will impact their organization. Additionally, clients can accelerate the start of development and test the solution of their landscape in our labs.

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Service Offerings
Our services will help make the optimum utilization of technology that will benefit your organization to stay on its growth trajectory

The client can test-drive SAP solutions and non-SAP technology with performance in Innovation Labs, with their data and configuration. Solutions include migrating non-HANA to the HANA platform, Functional changes in S4HANA BW4HANA BPC, integration of Cloud analytic tools with on-premise SAP systems, and many other solutions.
Clients can use our Labs environment to jump-start a project or sandbox before installing software and hardware internally. It enables projects to run parallel to hardware and software acquisition, thereby accelerating the project’s time-to-value and ROI.
With the help of our Labs Environments, clients can get hands-on time working with each possible solution to make an informed decision regarding what is best for them.
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