We worked on a Sales Analytics application built to pull the data from SAP and land it over to SQL Server. While working on it, we migrated to Azure Data Factory from one subscription model to another for a POC. We used ARM templates for this purpose.
During deployment, there were issues because the same IRE was not present at the destination. The IRE was self-hosted, created in the source tenant to connect with SAP.
Post the analysis and testing, it was established that we could import the ARM template if we remove the reference to IRE from the ARM template. Once the reference is removed, it will start accepting AutoResolve Integration Runtime during import.
Therefore, we modified the template (JSON) to remove the IRE reference from the ARM template. This step helped to remove the connection of linked service with self-hosted IRE and the use of AutoResolve IRE in the new environment.
Code Snippet
/* The highlighted code was removed from the ARM template’s JSON file to achieve the required objective. */

The Result:
In this way, we were able to load the customized template and deploy ADF in the destination.