Overview of the Client
Pregis is a leading global provider of innovative protective packaging materials and other packaging systems. They are into designing, developing, and delivering packaging solutions for various consumer and industrial market segments. They have manufacturing facilities in North America and Europe with an extensive distribution network to serve global demands.

Business Objective and Challenges
- The client lacks a solution to understand inventory accessibility for fulfilling their sales requirements.
- The client is seeking a resolution to comprehend their inventory holding period (DOH – Days on Hand) by analyzing the consumption patterns of the preceding three months.
- The solution should aid in enhancing production efficiency to satisfy sales demands.
- The client also desires to have a way to monitor the monthly DOH trend to oversee inventory changes for the rolling 12 months.
- Additionally, the client is interested in obtaining the DOH measurement for various tiers of the product hierarchy, encompassing raw materials, finished goods, and work-in-progress materials.
The Solution
- Required HANA Views, SDI Replications, and SAC Dashboards were implemented by the Team for DOH metric data.
- Effective DOH KPIs calculation was achieved by enabling monthly snapshots of current inventory and consumption.
- The solution provides fresh monthly data snapshots, facilitating Trend Chart development for the 12-month DOH metric trend.
- HANA Data Models (Calculation views) cover Inventory Trends, Material Movements, Consumption, and Days on-Hand Snapshots.
- The Team also completed proper security setup and publication of SAC Dashboards to the catalog.
Business Outcomes and Benefits
- The solution enables effective production, inventory management, and accurate demand anticipation.
- Monthly DOH trend analysis identifies product/category sales rates, aiding production decisions.
- DOH Trend prevents stockouts, ensuring customer demand fulfillment.
- DOH supports monitoring working capital and short-term expenses.
- DOH frees up capital from stagnant inventory, enabling efficient reinvestment.
- Accurate DOH for product categories maintains fresh stock, enhancing brand image.