Overview of the Client
Our client is a medical technology company focused on developing and commercializing innovative medical devices to treat complex and challenging cardiovascular conditions. They are more than a decade old in the industry, with a constant focus on improving the medical infrastructure through technology.

Business Challenges and Objectives
- Extract invoice adjustment data from Salesforce and integrate it into the Data Warehouse per the client’s request.
- Monitor customer attributes during adjustments linked to specific invoices, consider adjusted quantities, and decide on potential invoice splits.
- Ensure that the implementation of the solution does not adversely affect overall revenue numbers and calculations in the Business Intelligence system.
The Solution
- Flags have been implemented in the solution, allowing business users to review adjustments made in Salesforce once an invoice is updated.
- Integration of adjustment data into Azure, using information from Salesforce, involves marking adjusted invoices with specific adjustment flags.
- The solution’s design emphasizes scalability, ensuring smooth handling of potential future scenarios where additional splits may arise from previously divided invoices.
- Segregating adjusted/split invoices is achieved through a carefully structured data model, distinguishing original invoices from adjusted/split ones to prevent any double counting in revenue calculations.
- Regular reconciliation of data across Salesforce, the Data Warehouse, and the BI system is conducted to identify and address any discrepancies, ensuring the accuracy of the data.
Business Outcomes and Benefits
- The solution empowers business users to monitor adjustments made to invoices.
- It enhances visibility into sales amounts, aiding in more informed decision-making and resource allocation, especially in managing stocking orders.
- Tracking the salesperson associated with each invoice is facilitated by extracting information from Salesforce and storing it alongside invoice data in the Data Warehouse, enabling comprehensive performance analysis.
- An important feature is the assurance that including invoice adjustments or splits does not disrupt overall revenue numbers and calculations within the Business Intelligence (BI) system.