TekLink’s BOM Costing and Margin Analysis
TekLink’s BOM Costing and Margin Analysis model is a standalone Anaplan application that provides a single place for creating multiple What-If Scenarios to aid in determining price changes, KPI goal adjustments, and analyzing potential changes to production.
This application allows users to plan for changes in Volumes, Sales Prices, New Finished Goods, Raw Material Changes, and replacements, as well as allocation to the lowest level of the product hierarchy. This application then provides a robust reporting solution to report variation between scenarios, margin changes, revenue, and volume changes.
Features and Benefits
Multiple Scenario Analysis
Enable your supply chain managers to create What-If Scenarios and easily perform sensitivity analysis, best/worst case scenario planning, etc.
Customizable What-If Variables
Adjust product BOM costs, average net sales per case, and sales prices to customize scenarios
Built-In Calculations
This feature dynamically replaces and adjusts scenario changes across the entire model. Updates raw materials in all products, recompute revenue costs, and dynamically updates dashboard reports.
Integrated Data
Provides an easy platform to store, visualize, and compare actuals data, plan data, and multiple What-If Scenarios.
Add New Scenarios/Data Copy
Add new scenarios and populate data into those scenarios based on current forecasts or a base case.

Add New Finished Good
Add new Finished Goods to adjust scenarios.
Add New Raw Materials
Add new Raw Materials to adjust your scenarios.

Edit Existing Finished Good
Change the Finished Goods start date and Raw Material makeup to adjust your scenarios..
Finished Good Level Scenario Comparison Analysis
Compare scenarios to determine the potential impact on vital KPIs (output, revenue, margin, costs, etc.).

Raw Material Level Scenario Comparison Analysis
Easily compare the costs of different scenarios.
Finished Good Planning
Easily adjust costs and average net sales per case to get adjusted total costs, revenue, and margin for a period; these numbers are then relayed to the Finished Good Scenario Comparison page.